Monday, July 26, 2010

Sudanese friends....

On Friday, a translator who works at the hospital, took us out to his sisters house for lunch.  They are Sudanese and speak arabic so it's nice to talk with them...their arabic is actually closer to what we learned to speak than the arabic here in the Gulf. 

We ate lunch by gathering around communal bowls of food --I can't identify everything but it was good.  We eat with our hands using the bread.  Then for dessert they bring out a big bowl of fruit that is cut up and soaked in mango juice. That was so refreshing and tasted great on a super hot day and after a big lunch.

I left towards the end but Trey went out to the desert with them and took some pictures. 

1 comment:

Min said...

It must be hot if Terry is rolling up his jeans and wearing flip flops... that's not something you see too often!