Saturday, July 24, 2010

Celebrate Good Times....

Yesterday Trey and I celebrated our 6th anniversary.  We meant to watch our wedding video and cook a nice dinner...but didn't!  Ikea came to deliver more furniture and then we were busy putting stuff away all day.  We had to go out and buy a few things to set up the tv's and we ended up so tired last night that we ditched dinner. I made quacamole and went to bed! I'm still tired this morning.  But my clothing is put away:) 

Maybe I'll try to make a nice dinner tonight...but Trey has a really long day so I'm pretty sure by the time he gets home tonight, he'll be wiped.

I'll get pictures up of the house. I promise. It's coming along.  We still have a few more things to buy but it's okay. We'll do that later.


Jenna said...

Wow! Congrats on six years and on getting your furniture from IKEA. I assume they assembled it for you? I hope you're liking the new place. I can't wait to see pics!

~Seth and Nancy~ said...

happy anniversary! isn't it crazy how quickly the time goes by? i bet if someone told you that you'd be living where you currently are on when you got married you'd think they were crazy :-)
looking forward to seeing pictures of the place all put together.