Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For this is Thanksgiving day.....

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Last week before Thanksgiving, I made Thanksgiving cut-out cookies. Everyone in Bethlehem always enjoyed decorating them.  This year I decided I would do it again and save some for our friends to decorate when they came for dinner one night.  I was pretty sure that they probably never have decorated Thanksgiving cookies except for maybe Fazila who lived in the States for a while.  
I was SO sure that her husband Saleem NEVER decorated Thanksgiving cookies since he is A) from Afghanistan--no Thanksgiving there & B) he's a man from Afghanistan. Men in Afghanistan don't do much in the department of  cookie decorating!  Fazila has taught Saleem well as she is an American woman and we expect different things from our husband than in certain countries.  Also, our friend Shiny who is from India but grew up here her whole life decorated with us, too.  

It was a fun activity for all of us together.  Next up, Christmas cookies!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hey - I'm American and have never decorated cookies for thanksgiving before! I guess I should have been there, too. I'm hoping to do that with Dexter's nephews for Christmas. Do you have a good recipe?