Tuesday, February 16, 2010

People Get Ready.....

Adjustment and new beginnings always feel a little strange...and even a little hard at some points.   There are definitely ups and downs.  Or we could just say that there are times when you feel crazy and maybe this is all a dream!  A woman I met with the other day said to me that there will be a few points in our next couple months or longer that we'll think "Why did we do this?".  I am aware of that because of our past job and in orientation they warned us of that. It's good to be aware actually so when it hits, you can push through.   Sometimes they're hard and even though there is so much excitement and new work, it still can be tough.  Trey better get ready for those times....I can be a real treat:)

The jet lag beat us this time for some reason.  On our first day of work someone said to us "Try not to make too many decisions.  In the past I have and then looked back and realized they were not so good."  I can totally relate.  The tiredness and pushing through it can really make you feel crazy sometimes. I'm sure that's how new moms feel at times when they have a lack of sleep.  We were doing better sleeping for a few days and are sort of back in a slump again.  It will pass.  Someone gave us an herbal pill to try for tonight and she said it really helps.   I think some of the sleepiness is due to everything being new......new jobs, new surroundings, finding our way around, shopping (ha ha, just kidding--that gives me a great burst of energy and the mall is only 10 minutes so it can be used regularly for therapy).

Also, we just got internet in our temporary house which is exciting.  Friends have been nice to let us use their house and there is some wireless in parts of the hospital, but in our house we had a very weak signal so we got it for about a minute at a time.  Then it would die until a new signal would come back.  I wrote some pretty interesting emails over the past week from that 1 minute signal. If you got one of those speedy crazy ones where I sounded insane and not so nice, that's why! Combine it with the jet lag and it was an all around good combo!  The real Jessie will be in full working condition soon:) 

What else.....we've found all 3 malls by now.....Starbuck's included!  We found some good stores and where the gym is. Routine is starting which is nice. I thrive on routine, on organization, everything in the right place, etc.  It's getting there!  Just wait until we have triplets and then all of that goes out hte window(Just kidding, but I just wanted to find a way to throw that in there. Really our friend Jamie had triplets this week and they are all healthy...so fun).

Anyway, despite all that nonsense and getting through the first few weeks, we've met some nice people, we enjoy Oasis as a hospital (it really feels like a family--and when people introduce themselves to us they say "Welcome to the Oasis Family").  We had chapel as a staff yesterday which was great.  It's not required but is there as a good support for staff. 

What do you want to know about this place?  I hope we get to Dubai or Abu Dhabi soon to explore a little. The weather is gorgeous right now and a good time to be out and about.  Soon it will get really hot and we'll be inside all the time.....we sort of switch places with New England....they come out of hiding and we'll go in!

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