Monday, January 31, 2011

Sleepless in Al Ain.......

 I enjoy reading The Pioneer Woman's blog.  She's a witty writer who enjoys cooking, fixed up her house and loves photography.  She always has something fun to say.   Anyway, she recommended another blog called The Lettered Cottage.  The reason I am recommending this also is because they have a fabulous before and after photo section.  I L.O.V.E.  seeing rooms transformed!  And they did it on a small budget and made each room look so quaint.  Great ideas.  It makes me want to redo a room!  In one of her more recent posts she has this cool program that lets you slide over the picture with your cursor and it shows you a before and after. Pretty neat. Check it out.  And they have a bunch of links to other "home" blogs. 

Sleepless in Seattle Al Ain......

On another note.....I had to take malaria medication for our trip to Kenya....mmm....the side effects sort of kicked in around week 4 (last week). You still have to take the medicine for 4 weeks after returning in case you got Malaria while there.    I started having a horrible time sleeping and my brain wouldn't turn off and I got really restless. Ask my husband. He's always up for telling the truth.  He does it even when you don't ask!  I finally went back to one of our many great doctors at Oasis (who in fact happened to go to the same elementary, high school and college as I did--what a small world!) and he told me that I could stop it. Thanks goodness. Maybe Trey said THANK GOODNESS more than I did. It's a known side effect---psychosis.  When they told me that way back 6 weeks ago before we left for Kenya,  I thought to myself that I usually never get the side effects of a medication, so I'd be fine.  Pfghhh...I was wrong. I got some medicine to sleep and hopefully I'll be myself again shortly.  Ughh...that medicine makes me never want to go back to a country where they have bug-bites-that-carry-crazy diseases-a.k.a. malaria.....never again!  Seriously.  I'm sure I'm just overreacting right now.....because I never do that.....but fo' real, I'm going to bed now. I have a couple weeks worth of sleep to catch on.  Goodbye.


~Seth and Nancy~ said...

i hope you're able to get some good sleep in!
i'm hooked on PW's website too. she has some really helpful stuff when it comes to photography.

Lettered Cottage said...

Hey thanks for the sweet shout out!
You made me smile big just now!