Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feels like home to me.....

We arrived back in the UAE last night.  It's always good to go on vacation but also good to get back into routine after a while.  We were both excited to get back to our work and friends here.  This place feels like home to me.  I'm thankful that we have friends that we enjoy, a church plant that is growing with wonderful people and jobs that we enjoy.  Not to say that every day feels perfect here or living overseas is always a dream, but I'm thankful for those things I mentioned which all help it to feel like home to me.  I'm also thankful that we have the ability to fly back home for trips to see family and friends.  When you're excited to come back and climb into your own bed and starting using your new kitchen gadgets and having people over, it seems like a good sign that this place is feeling more and more like home.  Last night as we were walking through the airport, Trey said "I never knew I would be so excited to see Emirate men with their white kandoras on or so many women with their head covered. "  I would say that he feels like this is home--for now!  That doesn't mean we're never going back to America (I get the final vote on this one:) but we're over the hump of it feeling like the place where we just "live"....I think we've arrived to the place where it finally feels like home.


Jenna said...

I think you are really lucky to feel like the UAE is home! Returning always left me a bit depressed for a while. It never felt like home to me. That's a big and important step that you've crossed. Congrats!

Jessica O'Keefe said...

That's wonderful, Eune - I'm so glad you guys are happy and at peace there! You'll ALWAYS be missed back here in the US, though!