Thursday, January 27, 2011

Say What You Need to Say.....

We work with people from many different cultures.  Obviously we're not all alike in the way we handle people.  Some are a bit more forward in how they comment on your appearance...but then they are shy to tell you the important things.

These are the lovely comments I heard over the course of this week:
  • You look tired. Your eyes don't look so good. Are you sick? (Maybe I need to get some sun! Okay, I guess I'll just have to start going to the pool again.)
  • Don't wear black anymore. It doesn't look good on you. (Hmmm....I wanted to tell her to look at herself --she wears a full black abaya everyday.  Don't bust on me!)
  • What's wrong with your hair?  Did you do something different? (They definitely didn't like my hair that day)
I should keep a record of these things more often. I've had so many more things said than just this....I'm sort of shocked sometimes but then I remember that I just need to get over it quickly. I'll mark it up as a cultural difference.


MKJ said...

my personal favorites...

have you gained weight? you look so much fatter.

you've gained weight. you are fatter.

i don't like you're hair like that.

i used to put them in my journal. love it!

Jessica O'Keefe said...

Ha! Oh my word - so funny! By the way, I have always thought you look good in black!

sarah said...

gotta love those....some things i do not miss about living in the middle east. :-)

Jenna said...

well, at least you don't have to wonder what people are thinking... :)

Min said...

or this one- you aren't 24 you can't be. or maybe you just look older because you are (the girl then hand motions that i have some serious curves) and says because you are not skinny.