Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What else.....

What else did we do while we were home.  Saw friends from NC right near Fenway.  We also went to a Red Sox game at Fenway but I don't have the pictures from that yet.  We'll get them.  I'll keep emailing my poor sister-in-law everyday until we have them. I think we got some really really fun pictures there of our crew.

We were in small group with both of these couples.  Holly and David (David had to go back to work) and Erin and Michael both moved up to Boston after moved to Palestine.  It's fun to connect with them when we go for a visit.  Erin was essentially in labor that day at lunch, so this is probably their last picture with "just the 3 of them" in a photo.  She's a trooper. 

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